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How To Market Yourself As A Freelance Writer: Professional Advice

An absolute necessity for becoming a successful freelance writer is the ability to properly and professionally market yourself. It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to marketing yourself, and many writers have no idea where to begin. Here are the essential tips you will want to follow to turn yourself into a self-promotional marketing guru:

Inbound marketing

Writing and hosting a blog can work wonders for marketing yourself. Although it is difficult work to constantly come up with new topics, if you keep it well-written, neat, and consistent, it can be fantastic for obtaining leads.

Social Media as a tool

Using social media can be as powerful as blogging, although it may be as difficult to keep up across multiple social media sites, but it is a key to establishing your presence. Sharing useful information and being active will help to market your freelancing skills.

Be useful in forums

Finding where potential clients hang out online can be extremely useful, especially if you can be helpful and answer some of their questions online. However, you have to be careful that you don't plaster yourself across every forum on the internet, for that may be off putting to some people. If you do choose to answer questions, make sure that you have the knowledge to do so, rather than just making up what you think they want to hear.


Making it easy for search engines to find your blog or links to published work is an extremely important skill to learn. If you don't know how SEO works, or how to get started with it, running a quick internet search on the topic is guaranteed to give you the answer.

Picture perfect pitch

This is a very important point in marketing. Your pitch to attract people must be attractive, or it will reduce people's willingness to use you as a freelance writer. There are many online articles that can mentor you in making the perfect pitch, but a genuinely useful tip is to keep them short, simple, and honest.


Being a guest blogger on someone else's blog can be a very useful marketing tool, since it will help your name to get out there, especially if they are running a popular blogging site. Another good reason to do this is that most blogs will leave a link to your blog and/or social media sites at the end of the piece, which can be extremely helpful in acquiring new clients.

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